Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Third Week

Enough photos already!
On Monday, we went to see the pediatrician to make sure that I am eating well and growing as expected.  The goal was to reach my birth weight again.  Weighing in at 9lbs, 7oz, I was almost a pound above!

Lundi, nous sommes allés chez la pédiatre pour vérifier que je mange et grandis bien.  Je devais avoir récupéré mon poids de naissance, et je faisais 4.3kg!

Daddy went back to work this week, but at least he got to work from home on Friday.

Papa est retourné travailler cette semaine, mais au moins il a pu travailler de la maison vendredi.

On Saturday, my umbilical cord fell off...

Samedi, mon cordon ombilical est tombé...

...which means I can finally have a real bath!

...ce qui veut dire que je peux enfin prendre un vrai bain!

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